Don’t procrastinate


The reality is that more than 75% of South Africans pass away without a will

simply because the just don’t get around to getting it done.

Six consequences of NOT having a will.




You can’t decide who inherits what

and your estate is distributed

according to South African Law.




Your partner may be left with

nothing if you are not married or

your will is not updated from

a previous marriage.




Your children’s inheritance

could pass to the Government

Guardian’s Fund or the appointed

guardian who may squander the





Family feuds often occur when

family members argue over your

assets and when your final wishes

are not clearly documented in a will.




Winding up your estate can take

years, as without a will appointing

a professional executor, the

government is essentially in control

of the process.




You lose the ability to nominate a

guardian of your choice for your

minor children.

We make it easy for you to get your will in place